Biding Adieu to 2020
"The world that exists beyond one's family is introduced to a child through kindergarten."
This is a very important process by which a child begins to perceive the universe, and ensures a wholesome growth that is mental, emotional as well as physical. But Alas! The COVID – 19 pandemic brought schools to an abrupt halt & forced transition to "ZOOM schooling" & without any doubt the teachers joined the ranks of COVID-19 heroes. 2020, the double 2.0 version, has been a historical year in which the teaching landscape shifted from the notion of a singular path, towards a much more elastic understanding of how we had to walk the tightrope between online and offline learning. It had to be embedded with emotional and social learning which helped to create a psychological safety net, increased thinking conversations, decreased social conflict and encouraged diverse opinions and questioning minds. When things go wrong, resilience is what helps you to cope and get through hard times. We have accepted the change in a positive way and have helped build the same in children. Resilience is not just about bouncing back, but it is about adapting, growing and becoming stronger. It is about being ready for the next challenge and also being prepared to savour all the good that life has to offer. This year was all about manifesting the belief that these kindergarteners can make the “impossible possible”. After few hiccups in the beginning, we marched ahead on the path of progress with a deep belief in "A Clear Vision, Backed By Definite Plans, Gives You A Tremendous Feeling Of Confidence And Personal Power."
We at Joeys ensure that a generation of students can reach their full potential and importance of education for short term stimulus, social cohesion and stability of each stake holder during and after "Covid19". We were bound to rise, shine and bounce back. We had to discover the new modus operandi' and fight it out. And so we did and we did this to the best of our wisdom, knowledge and capability with grace and resilience. Team Joeys Ambli Campus has undoubtedly done a stellar job of setting up distance learning in no time. In fact these little minds (our learners), soaking it all up like the sponge, gave us the immense confidence to experiment with various novel ideas which would not have happened otherwise in regular schooling. "We don't think out of the box, we think of what exactly we can do with the box". With this principle in mind the educators decided to offer activities & games using the simplest and readily available resource. For example through dice we helped in developing their understanding and proficiency with key mathematical skills, concepts, logical reasoning and elements of their problem-solving abilities. Similarly kitchen equipment not only allowed them to explore and understand its uses but also enhanced their vocabulary and taught them the importance of following steps in a sequence while making a lemonade. One minute games, scavenger hunt, Snakes & ladder, Bingo, etc. were their all-time favourites that acted as stress busters and energizers! Not to forget the festivals, we celebrated it all with elan'.
It was as if we educators were altogether in a continuous process of refining and improvising our everyday class practices. For example using the 'Calendar' to revise the numeracy concepts like Place value, Forward and Backward numbers, Ascending / Descending order, Greater than – Lesser than. Introducing Learning Invitation throughout all the three sections in the virtual class was a block buster of the year end. The uniqueness in their responses left us in awe.
Hence, these sizeable achievements have stimulated us for the coming year 2021. We look forward to implement more contemporary ideas where our young kindergarteners will have enriched and holistic learning. We are grateful for the continuous assistance given by the management and cooperation from our parents. It is this collective potential of all the stake holders that brought in the greater change and has helped our little ones to once again create these life time memories.
We will keep on nurturing best human beings that will rise to a new world, a new dawn. These littlest citizens have showcased the true meaning of the saying "Children are tiny buds, it is our job to give them the freedom, materials and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential."
Lastly, would like to bid a farewell to the year 2020, but not without counting the blessings and stating the process of 'Debugging' the year brought us:
-Dynamic revolution in the education system- from physical to virtual
-Established synergistic relationships among the stakeholders
-Being in harmony by taking it day -by -day
-Up scaling and upgrading without any resistance
-Growing resilient against the uncertainties
-Grateful for everything we have
-Integrating survival and problem solving skills
-Newness can be found in the toughest times
-Getting involved altogether in the process of life-long learning.
-Getting involved altogether in the process of life-long learning.
It definitely gave us the new meaning of the word- Corona Virus
Self- willed...
Salute to 2020 and awaiting 2021... With high hopes, new dreams and a positive attitude to face the challenges and emerge as winners!!!! Not to forget that education be it online or offline, is a powerful tool that can change the world.
Team Joeys Ambli Campus