Celebrating Childhood
“Children are God’s best creation, they spread happiness and joy in every season, Handle them with love and care”
At Joeys Ambli Campus Children’s Day was ushered in with ‘Happiness Week - a week of the children, for the children and by the children’ to celebrate the childhood in a child friendly manner. When curiosity is blended into the natural environment of school it empowers students. They feel the urge to participate with greater zeal. Right from the entrance, the entire corridors were given a makeover and transformed into engaging play zones named as Fantasy Land, Block Field, Puzzling Party, Decoders Den, Twisting Trail and Hot Wheels. The areas were thoughtfully designed keeping in mind the different levels of learners and their age group. To make it momentous our Activity Centre - BTM was turned into a Game Zone where Group and Table Games were designed. The main objective was to give complete autonomy to the children – freedom to explore, experiment and express. It was a pleasant surprise to see our quiet & shy children actively engrossed, the creative models and designs reflected their inherent potential and capabilities. The outcome was sheer joy and sense of achievement that strengthened their self-esteem. The week was culminated with Royal Circus where our teachers enacted different roles of circus animals and characters and entertained children with their Gimmicks, Tricks & Magic show. Needless to say joyful screams, giggles & laughter filled the space.
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see”.
- John F Kennedy
The D-day, 14th November, Children’s Day was celebrated magnificently at Joeys as we took an initiative to instil environmental values into our little ones. The parents and children were asked to come on their bicycles and give a break to their cars. The day commemorated with positive energy and immense ebullience as they participated in our campaign “Ride more, Drive less - Save Environment” spearheaded by our director Nashy ma’am.
The entire campus reverberated with applause and laughter of children & parents as they enjoyed every bit of a special day planned by school for them. A celebration of the spirit of life - Euphoria, was held after a hiatus of two long years of virtual events. All in all this jollification conveyed that by education @Joeys we mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child’s mind, body and spirit.