The Silver Lining
"Every child is everyone’s responsibility"
"We should not look to keep children busy but look to keep them engaged."
C - ompassion for one and all
O - pportunity to create strong family ties
V - ictory in day to day challenges
I - nnovate to beat the boredom
D - iscover the new 'YOU'
19 - times breathe in the mantra "Together we will come out stronger"
"Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process"
How to home school has been trending all over the country for the past few weeks as more and more children stay home from school because of COVID19.
In this phase of social distancing, to ensure that learning continues without any impediments, schools are shifting to digital learning methods to facilitate remote learning for students. Though classroom learning cannot be replaced by online education, it is essential, especially in this situation that everyone works collectively to make online learning possible for children. At Joeys Ambli Campus, we are concentrating more on developing life skills in children and not on completing the syllabus. We believe that teaching children life skills is also a part of academics and kids need to feel connected at this time.
We have collected together the best ideas and resources to keep our children educated, entertained and exercised without having to leave the house.Not all lessons need to be academic, they can be life lessons that we want our children to learn. We had to think of the access to the material at home & try to create videos and activities accordingly. We have tried to convert the wide range of items easily found at home in to educational props. Our challenge is to ensure that children will get what they need so that learning can continue.
On these lines, we have designed an interactive, home based learning program to connect to our children by keeping in mind the five areas of development i.e. physical, language, social, emotional and cognitive. Stories, yoga, dance, practical life activities like folding clothes, home chores like cleaning vessels, family games like bingo, art activities, songs and rhymes which enhances all the above skills and are the part of our program. The above activities keep them engaged and give them a sense of joy and achievement, sense of family and they feel empowered and needed. Our teachers are going live as well as sending recorded sessions. This will also help children to understand that screen time is not just about playing games but also about human connections and when a child feels attached and connected, their concentration level increases.
"On the road to success there is no shortcut.” To make this online program a success, our educators are continuously upgrading themselves by attending various webinars conducted by Scoonews magazine, Square panda and many more in the presence of globally well-known educators, to name a few Dr. Swati Popat Vats (President of Early Childhood Association of India), Dr. Ger Graus (Global director of education, KidZania), Dr. Mary Ashun (Principal, Ghana International School). These webinars give the educators an understanding about the psychology of the children in present scenario and how to reach out to them through various means of technology. It gives an insight on coping up with education and schooling amidst such kind of crisis and inspire us by such deep and meaningful statements - "The world is closed for Renovation, Grand Reopening is going to happen soon. "In short, always look for that silver lining around the cloud.