05 August, 2019

Coding Decoded

"Everyone should learn how to code, it teaches you how to think"

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve."

The above fact inspired us to incorporate Coding into our classroom routine at Joeys Ambli Campus. It is quoted by Steve Jobs that coding also known as computational thinking is a 'bicycle' for human minds. It is a new type of literacy. Just as writing helps to organize thinking and express ideas, the same is true for coding. When children learn to code, they develop new ways of thinking by breaking up big problems into smaller steps which helps them to reflect on their own learning as they develop 21st - century skills such as problem solving, persistence, determination & resilience. It expands their abilities & gives them the confidence to be creative as they get a chance to design something that is entirely their own.

At Joeys, children are given many such opportunities in various academic sessions and in the activity centre (BTM - Boggle The Mind). These activities vary from simple to complex like copy the pattern to colour coding to sequencing to arranging ice cream sticks / blocks on an outline of a maze to creating a human maze & much more. Our observation of children engaged in such activities and games supports the view - Coding enables them to think like a programmer and promotes tenacity, as they often experience failure and learn to persevere to solve coding challenges. In a nutshell we can summarize and say that, "Children aren't just learning to code, they are coding to learn."