At Joeys, Assessment is an on going process that takes the child forward beyond the finish line. It’s a new victory each day where children explore, attempt, challenge, achieve, succeed, grow and aspire in learning. The implementation of Developmentally Appropriate Practices and child-centric methods helps us to constantly monitor the development of the children and the outcomes of our academic activities.
Our educators find authentic ways of assessing young children in everyday situations. We offer them a variety of learning experiences that appeal to all the senses such as visual, physical and auditory and also by alternating individual, partnered, small group and large group activities.
Implementing the above strategies we observe the growth of our little learners in various domains like, Physical Development enhancing gross and fine motor skills through various concrete experiences, Cognitive Development where opportunities for thinking, reasoning and problem solving are provided and Socio-Emotional Development with exposure to various real life situations, activities and experiences.
Thus, Assessments is a process of observing children in various daily activities that helps teachers to modify strategies and instructions. It is essential to enable teachers to determine how well the planned activities and strategies are working, and motivates them to make necessary changes to aspire children towards better learning.
Thus, a curriculum that is determined and shaped by the children is evolved, emphasising on development of various skills including physical, cognition, socio emotional, language, sensory awareness etc. by using child centric methods.