Dramatic Play
Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play where children accept and assign roles, and then act them out. It is a time when they break through the walls of reality, pretend to be someone or something different from themselves, and dramatize situations and actions to go along with the roles they have chosen to play. For this reason, Joeys Restaurant, Joeys Airport, Joeys Clinic and different role plays are taken in the classroom learning through word splash, videos, group discussions and appropriate vocabulary. All our little learners are taken into consideration, so props in printed forms like signs, menus and costumes are incorporated. "Watching is learning too". As some children may like to watch before they decide to participate in dramatic play, as it gives them clarity over their participation in role play and help them stay motivated to learn. Its’ real value lies in the fact that it increases their understanding of the world they live in, while it works to develop personal skills that will help them meet with success throughout their lives.